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Get Yourself a Website Without the Drama
By - 2003-01-01 Page:  1 2 3

Done With Free Web Hosts

So, you're done with the free web hosts. Gone through Geocities, Angelfire, Fortune City. You're exhausted with the pop-ups and banners. You want a real site. But where to go? You look around the net, and the possibilities seem endless. 20 MB of space for only $20 a month! Wow! That's fantastic!

Or is it? Way back when I bought my domain and signed up with a web host, I was the typical "the internet is so wonderful" optimist. I was thrilled to find something that sounded just about what I kind of wanted - and bam, just like that, $300 poorer and with a useless chunk of web space that wouldn't even work properly. My domain addresses wouldn't connect, my content was being warped - things weren't looking too good for me.

A year later and much the wiser, I know better. My site is working, I have a lovely, helpful support team, and I now know what I want. But, that's all well and good for me - I have had the added advantage of working for a web hosting company. But what about the rest of you out there who don't have my experience, who see a world of opportunity and are about to jump into the cesspit of money loss and disappointment.

So, I figure, why not let you in on a useful hint, one that may save you from misfortune. What is it, you ask? Well, simply - know what you want! Sounds way too simple for me to be handing it out, right? I don't think so! Sure, you have a vague idea of what you want, but do you know what all of it means? The "mumbo jumbo", so to speak?

I didn't think so! Listen up, sit back, relax, and before you go jumping off the deep end, scroll down and read a bit.

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