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Road to better programming: Chapter 4. Functional programming
By Teodor Zlatanov - 2004-02-23 Page:  1 2 3 4 5 6

When to use FP & Exercises

Once again, I will say this: know your tools. Functional programming is an excellent tool, as we have seen so far. It can simplify some pretty hairy problems and make others a little easier. So when should you use FP?

  • First of all, remember that in Perl, FP is only an approach. The actual solution will be procedural, even though it simulates a functional solution. The question is not when FP should be used, but how much it should be used, from "not at all" to "as much as possible."
  • Any time you need to do complex sorting, see if the Schwartzian transform or the Guttman-Rosler transform are appropriate. They are drop-in functional replacements for regular sorting.
  • If your functions are chained often, consider FP. For example, modification of a list in steps by several functions can probably be accomplished with an FP approach.
  • If you have a lot of temporary variables that are thrown away as soon as they are used, consider FP to decrease their number.
  • Filtering, sorting, and general transforming functions applied to lists or hashes are candidates for FP.
  • If your functions have a lot of side effects, and their parameters are more than a few, FP is probably not going to work too well.
  • Recursive algorithms can go either way with regard to FP. They are not clearly better or worse when done with the FP approach.
  • Avoid FP if performance is very important. Use the Benchmark module to check your approach -- sometimes FP will speed things up considerably (for example, the Schwartzian transform is significantly faster because of its cache of comparison values), but sometimes it will cause the performance of the code to drop significantly.
  • One-liners work well with FP.
  • Obfuscated Perl code has always favored grep() and map() as ways to obscure the actions of code. Unless you are writing obfuscated Perl code for a contest, don't use grep() and map() without at least some commenting.
  • Learn, practice, and use FP in your daily programming work. You will gain insight into all of your other code, see new ways ahead, and make life easier. Don't use FP just because it's there, but do use it because it works well for your specific problem.


  1. Write a code snippet that uses map() to transform a list of user names into user IDs.

  2. Write a program that uses (1) to look up user IDs. Allow filtering of the user list by partial names.

  3. Write code to check if any processes owned by root are running (on a UNIX system).

  4. Benchmark the Schwartzian transform versus your own sorting code versus the Guttman-Rosler transform on a small data set. Use the Benchmark module to do this.

  5. Do (4) on a large data set. For instance, sort all the file names on your system by size. Look at the File::Find module for ideas.

  6. Read about Erlang, Scheme, and Haskell in the comp.lang.functional FAQ. Look at other FP languages, and see if any of them have neat ideas that you can use in Perl.

  7. Write a Perl version of the grep program. Did you think of the grep() function right away? You shouldn't use grep() in this case because you may have to process a large file, and there's no sense in keeping the contents of the whole file in memory just to run grep() on them. Think of a better solution.

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