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Hyper-Threading Speeds Linux
By Duc Vianney, Ph. D. - 2003-12-31 Page:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Single-user application workload

The AIM9 benchmark is a single user workload designed to measure the performance of hardware and operating systems. The results are shown in Table 2. Most of the tests in the benchmark performed identically in Hyper-Threading and non-Hyper-Threading, except for the sync file operations and Integer Sieves. The three operations, Sync Random Disk Writes, Sync Sequential Disk Writes, and Sync Disk Copies, are approximately 35% slower in Hyper-Threading. On the other hand, Hyper-Threading provided a 60% improvement over non-Hyper-Threading in the case of Integer Sieves.

Table 2. Effects of Hyper-Threading on AIM9 workload

2419s-noht 2419s-ht Speed-up
add_double Thousand Double Precision Additions per second 638361 637724 0%
add_float Thousand Single Precision Additions per second 638400 637762 0%
add_long Thousand Long Integer Additions per second 1479041 1479041 0%
add_int Thousand Integer Additions per second 1483549 1491017 1%
add_short Thousand Short Integer Additions per second 1480800 1478400 0%
creat-clo File Creations and Closes per second 129100 139700 8%
page_test System Allocations & Pages per second 161330 161840 0%
brk_test System Memory Allocations per second 633466 635800 0%
jmp_test Non-local gotos per second 8666900 8694800 0%
signal_test Signal Traps per second 142300 142900 0%
exec_test Program Loads per second 387 387 0%
fork_test Task Creations per second 2365 2447 3%
link_test Link/Unlink Pairs per second 54142 59169 9%
disk_rr Random Disk Reads (K) per second 85758 89510 4%
disk_rw Random Disk Writes (K) per second 76800 78455 2%
disk_rd Sequential Disk Reads (K) per second 351904 356864 1%
disk_wrt Sequential Disk Writes (K) per second 154112 156359 1%
disk_cp Disk Copies (K) per second 104343 106283 2%
sync_disk_rw Sync Random Disk Writes (K) per second 239 155 -35%
sync_disk_wrt Sync Sequential Disk Writes (K) per second 97 60 -38%
sync_disk_cp Sync Disk Copies (K) per second 97 60 -38%
disk_src Directory Searches per second 48915 48195 -1%
div_double Thousand Double Precision Divides per second 37162 37202 0%
div_float Thousand Single Precision Divides per second 37125 37202 0%
div_long Thousand Long Integer Divides per second 27305 27360 0%
div_int Thousand Integer Divides per second 27305 27332 0%
div_short Thousand Short Integer Divides per second 27305 27360 0%
fun_cal Function Calls (no arguments) per second 30331268 30105600 -1%
fun_cal1 Function Calls (1 argument) per second 112435200 112844800 0%
fun_cal2 Function Calls (2 arguments) per second 97587200 97843200 0%
fun_cal15 Function Calls (15 arguments) per second 44748800 44800000 0%
sieve Integer Sieves per second 15 24 60%
mul_double Thousand Double Precision Multiplies per second 456287 456743 0%
mul_float Thousand Single Precision Multiplies per second 456000 456743 0%
mul_long Thousand Long Integer Multiplies per second 167904 168168 0%
mul_int Thousand Integer Multiplies per second 167976 168216 0%
mul_short Thousand Short Integer Multiplies per second 155730 155910 0%
num_rtns_1 Numeric Functions per second 92740 92920 0%
trig_rtns Trigonometric Functions per second 404000 405000 0%
matrix_rtns Point Transformations per second 875140 891300 2%
array_rtns Linear Systems Solved per second 579 578 0%
string_rtns String Manipulations per second 2560 2564 0%
mem_rtns_1 Dynamic Memory Operations per second 982035 980019 0%
mem_rtns_2 Block Memory Operations per second 214590 215390 0%
sort_rtns_1 Sort Operations per second 481 472 -2%
misc_rtns_1 Auxiliary Loops per second 7916 7864 -1%
dir_rtns_1 Directory Operations per second 2002000 2001000 0%
shell_rtns_1 Shell Scripts per second 95 97 2%
shell_rtns_2 Shell Scripts per second 95 96 1%
shell_rtns_3 Shell Scripts per second 95 97 2%
series_1 Series Evaluations per second 3165270 3189630 1%
shared_memory Shared Memory Operations per second 174080 174220 0%
tcp_test TCP/IP Messages per second 65835 66231 1%
udp_test UDP/IP DataGrams per second 111880 112150 0%
fifo_test FIFO Messages per second 228920 228900 0%
stream_pipe Stream Pipe Messages per second 170210 171060 0%
dgram_pipe DataGram Pipe Messages per second 168310 170560 1%
pipe_cpy Pipe Messages per second 245090 243440 -1%
ram_copy Memory to Memory Copy per second 490026708 492478668 1%

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