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XML-RPC as object model
By David Mertz, Ph.D. - 2003-12-11 Page:  1 2 3 4 5 6

Weaknesses of XML-RPC

The problem with XML-RPC as an object-serialization format is that it just plain does not have enough types to handle the objects in most high-level programming languages. Listing 4 illustrates this shortcoming.

Listing 4. Python shell example of XML-RPC overloading
>>> c = C()

>>> = 'bar'
>>> d = {'foo':'bar'}
>>> print xmlrpclib.dumps((c,d),'PyObjects')
<?xml version='1.0'





In Listing 4, two things are serialized -- an object instance and a dictionary. While it is fair to say that Python objects are particularly dictionary-like, you lose a lot of information by representing a dictionary and an object in exactly the same way. Additionally, the excessively generic meaning for <struct> in XML-RPC affects pretty much any OOP language, or at least any language that has native hash/dictionary constructs; it is not a Python quirk here. On the other hand, failing to distinguish Python tuples and lists within the <array> type of XML-RPC is a fairly Python-specific limitation.

xml_pickle handles all the Python types much better (including data types defined by user classes, as we saw). Actually, there is no direct pickling of dictionaries in xml_pickle, basically because no one has asked for this (it would be easy to add). But dictionaries that are object attributes get pickled, as shown in Listing 5.

Listing 5. Python shell example of xml_pickle dictionaries
>>> c, c2 = C(), C()
>>> = 'bar'
>>> d = {'foo':'bar'}

>>> c.c, c.d = c2, d
>>> print XML_Pickler(c).dumps()
<?xml version="1.0"
<!DOCTYPE PyObject SYSTEM "PyObjects.dtd">
<PyObject class="C" id="1917836">

<attr name="c" type="PyObject"
class="C" id="1981484">
  <attr name="foo" type="string" value="bar" />

<attr name="d" type="dict" id="1917900">
    <key type="string" value="foo" />

    <val type="string" value="bar" />

Another virtue of the xml_pickle approach that is implied in the example is that dictionary keys need not be strings. In XML-RPC <struct> elements, <name> keys are always strings. However, Perl, PHP, and most languages are closer to the XML-RPC model in this.

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