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Create Web Applets With Mozilla And XML
By Nigel McFarlane - 2003-12-24 Page:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A Closer Look At XUL

What does XUL look like? Look at any Mozilla window except the browser window (such as the e-mailer or the Address Book). In this article I illustrate XUL with a simple trouble-ticketing system, such as any support center might provide to its users. Those users can then supply feedback on documentation lodged on an intranet or extranet. Depending on your viewpoint, this is an applet, a dialog box, or an embedded application -- you'll see as I continue.

Listing 1 shows the XUL code behind this system.

Listing 1. The XUL code example for a trouble-ticket system

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="ticket.css" type="text/css"?>

<!DOCTYPE window>
<window xmlns="">

  <script src="init.js"/>

  <script src="commands.js"/>
  <script src="server.js"/>

    <menubar id="menubar" grippyhidden="true">
      <menu id="menu_login" accesskey="L" label="Login">

          <menuitem id="m10" label="Login" accesskey="L" 
          <menuitem id="m11" label="Logoff" accesskey="O" 
          <menuitem id="m12" label="Exit" accesskey="X" 

      <menu id="menu_ticket" accesskey="N" label="New Ticket">

          <menuitem id="m20" label="User Ticket" accesskey="U" 
          <menuitem id="m21" label="Technical Ticket" accesskey="T" 
          <menuitem id="m22" label="Reviewer's Ticket" accesskey="R" 

      <menu id="menu_action" accesskey="A" label="Action">
          <menuitem id="m30" label="Clear" accesskey="C" 
          <menuitem id="m31" label="Submit" accesskey="S" 

      <spacer flex="1"/>

      <menu id="Help" accesskey="H" label="Help">
          <menuitem id="m40" label="Help Contents" accesskey="H" 
          <menuitem id="m41" label="Contact Details" accesskey="D" 

          <menuitem id="m42" label="About" accesskey="A" 

  <hbox class="title">

    <deck id="title">
      <label value=""/>
      <label value="User Problem"/>
      <label value="Technical Problem"/>
      <label value="Review Status"/>

    <spacer flex="1"/>
    <label value="Ticket #"/>
    <textbox id="f00" readonly="true" size="10"/>

  <deck id="forms" flex="1">

      <checkbox id="f10" label="Information Missing"/>
      <checkbox id="f11" label="Errors Discovered"/>
      <checkbox id="f12" label="Please Send Author's E-mail"/>

      <label>Please describe the nature of the problem.
        Your client's version will be automatically reported</label>
      <textbox id="f20" multiline="true" rows="6"/>

        <radio id="f30" label="draft approval"/>
        <radio id="f31" label="final draft"/>
        <radio id="f32" label="publication approval"/>

  <statusbar id="sbar">
    <description>Current Status:</description>
    <deck id="stext" selectedIndex="0">
      <description id="sb0" class="warn">Disconnected</description>

      <description id="sb1" class="ok">Logged On</description>
      <description id="sb2" class="ok">Delivered</description>
      <description id="sb3" class="warn">Delivery Failed</description>

    <spacer flex="1"/>

This listing is hardly larger than a single Java class, and yet it is an application's entire GUI. XUL provides convenient brevity. The tags, like toolbar, menu, textbox, and radiogroup are refreshingly simple -- no 3GL calls are required to XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData() or other low-level agony.

Many of the tags provide invisible structure: toolbox, hbox, and vbox are container tags that affect layout of their collected elements (for example, "vbox" is short for "vertical box"). This containership appears frequently in XUL: a toolbox contains a menubar which contains several menus, each of which provides a menupopup drop-down menu, and that menupopup holds a number of menuitem menu items. Of the other tags, the spacer tag is used to create extra gaps between screen elements. The label and description tags are specialized equivalents to HTML's <p>. Unfortunately, I don't have room to cover every possible XUL tag here.

Some of the attributes used in XUL tags are shared with HTML, such as id, class, value, accesskey, readonly, and selectedIndex. Others are special to XUL, like grippyhidden (which stops a menu bar from being hidden by the user) and oncommand (which is an event handler that fires when a menu option is chosen).

Mozilla's registered name for the XML application is given by the URL in the window tag at the top; this is a product identifier and is not loaded from anywhere. Some of the content of this XUL document can be seen in Figure 1:

Figure 1. The opening XUL page
The opening XUL page

This plain XHTML document deploys the applet in three ways:

  • A hyperlink.
  • A button.
  • An XHTML iframe

The embedded applet appears in the bottom half of the shot. You can see that its menu bar looks similar to the menu bar of the entire browser window. In fact, they are implemented as different instances of the menubar tag. Just as for the main browser menu bar, the applet menu bar is responsive to the mouse, tab-key-style navigation, and hot-key combinations. This integration comes for free, something that doesn't happen with a Java applet. A Java applet doesn't have a URL of its own either; it must always be initialized by an applet or an object tag.

The XHTML that hosts this applet is shown in Listing 2 and is just a trivial use of HTML event handlers and iframe.

Listing 2. The XHTML that hosts the applet

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="">

      var flags = "toolbar=no,locationbar=no,menubar=no,width=275,height=275";

      function show()
      {'ticket.xul', '_blank', flags);
    <h2>Test Page</h2>

          A hyperlink that starts the example
          in a separate window:
          <a href="about:blank" 
                onclick="show(); return false">Lodge Ticket</a>.
          A button that starts the example
          in a separate window:
          <button onclick="show()">Lodge Ticket</button>.

        Here is the ticket entry system displayed in
        an <iframe>:
        <iframe width="275" height="275" src="ticket.xul"/>

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First published by IBM developerWorks

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