LXXIII. Oracle 8 functions
These functions allow you to access Oracle8 and Oracle7 databases. It uses the Oracle8 Call-Interface (OCI8)
This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle extension. It supports binding of global and local PHP variables to Oracle placeholders, has full LOB, FILE and ROWID support and allows you to use user-supplied define variables.
You will need the Oracle8 client libraries to use this extension. Windows users will need at least Oracle version 8.1 to use the php_oci8.dll dll.
Before using this extension, make sure that you have set up your Oracle environment variables properly for the Oracle user, as well as your web daemon user. The variables you might need to set are as follows:
After setting up the environment variables for your webserver user, be sure to also add the webserver user (nobody, www) to the oracle group.
If your webserver doesn't start or crashes at startup: Check that Apache is linked with the pthread library:
# ldd /www/apache/bin/httpd libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x4001c000) libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x4002f000) libcrypt.so.1 => /lib/libcrypt.so.1 (0x4004c000) libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x4007a000) libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4007e000) /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)If the libpthread is not listed you have to reinstall Apache:
Please note that on some systems like UnixWare it is libthread instead of libpthread. PHP and Apache have to be configured with EXTRA_LIBS=-lthread.
You have to compile PHP with the option --with-oci8[=DIR], where DIR defaults to your environmment variable ORACLE_HOME.
Predefined Constants
The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
- OCI_DEFAULT (integer)
- OCI_EXACT_FETCH (integer)
- SQLT_BFILEE (integer)
- SQLT_CFILEE (integer)
- SQLT_CLOB (integer)
- SQLT_BLOB (integer)
- SQLT_RDD (integer)
- OCI_B_SQLT_NTY (integer)
- OCI_SYSDATE (integer)
- OCI_B_BFILE (integer)
- OCI_B_CFILEE (integer)
- OCI_B_CLOB (integer)
- OCI_B_BLOB (integer)
- OCI_B_ROWID (integer)
- OCI_B_CURSOR (integer)
- OCI_B_BIN (integer)
- OCI_ASSOC (integer)
- OCI_NUM (integer)
- OCI_BOTH (integer)
- OCI_RETURN_NULLS (integer)
- OCI_RETURN_LOBS (integer)
- OCI_DTYPE_FILE (integer)
- OCI_DTYPE_LOB (integer)
- OCI_DTYPE_ROWID (integer)
- OCI_D_FILE (integer)
- OCI_D_LOB (integer)
- OCI_D_ROWID (integer)
You can easily access stored procedures in the same way as you would from the commands line.
Example 2. Using Stored Procedures
- Table of Contents
- ocibindbyname -- Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder
- ocicancel -- Cancel reading from cursor
- ocicloselob -- Closes lob descriptor
- ocicollappend -- Append an object to the collection
- ocicollassign -- Assign a collection from another existing collection
- ocicollassignelem -- Assign element val to collection at index ndx
- ocicollgetelem -- Retrieve the value at collection index ndx
- ocicollmax -- Return the max value of a collection. For a varray this is the maximum length of the array
- ocicollsize -- Return the size of a collection
- ocicolltrim -- Trim num elements from the end of a collection
- ocicolumnisnull -- Test whether a result column is NULL
- ocicolumnname -- Returns the name of a column
- ocicolumnprecision -- Tell the precision of a column
- ocicolumnscale -- Tell the scale of a column
- ocicolumnsize -- Return result column size
- ocicolumntype -- Returns the data type of a column
- ocicolumntyperaw -- Tell the raw oracle data type of a column
- ocicommit -- Commits outstanding transactions
- ocidefinebyname -- Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT
- ocierror -- Return the last error of stmt|conn|global
- ociexecute -- Execute a statement
- ocifetch -- Fetches the next row into result-buffer
- ocifetchinto -- Fetches the next row into an array
- ocifetchstatement -- Fetch all rows of result data into an array
- ocifreecollection -- Deletes collection object
- ocifreecursor -- Free all resources associated with a cursor
- ocifreedesc -- Deletes a large object descriptor
- ocifreestatement -- Free all resources associated with a statement
- ociinternaldebug -- Enables or disables internal debug output
- ociloadlob -- Loads a large object
- ocilogoff -- Disconnects from Oracle server
- ocilogon -- Establishes a connection to Oracle
- ocinewcollection -- Initialize a new collection
- ocinewcursor -- Return a new cursor (Statement-Handle)
- ocinewdescriptor -- Initialize a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor
- ocinlogon -- Establishes a new connection to Oracle
- ocinumcols -- Return the number of result columns in a statement
- ociparse -- Parse a query and return an Oracle statement
- ociplogon -- Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection
- ociresult -- Returns column value for fetched row
- ocirollback -- Rolls back outstanding transactions
- ocirowcount -- Gets the number of affected rows
- ocisavelob -- Saves a large object
- ocisavelobfile -- Saves a large object file
- ociserverversion -- Return a string containing server version information
- ocisetprefetch -- Sets number of rows to be prefetched
- ocistatementtype -- Return the type of an OCI statement
- ociwritelobtofile -- Saves a large object file
- ociwritetemporarylob -- Writes temporary blob