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(PHP 5 CVS only)

mysqli_affected_rows -- Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation


mixed mysqli_affected_rows ( object link)

mysqli_affected_rows() returns the number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query associated with the provided link parameter. If the last query was invalid, this function will return -1.

Note: When deleting the entire contents of a table (i.e. 'DELETE FROM foo'), this function will not return the number of rows that were actually deleted.

The mysqli_affected_rows() function only works with queries which modify a table. In order to return the number of rows from a SELECT query, use the mysqli_num_rows() function instead.

Example 1. Delete-Query

Procedural style:

    /* connect to database */
    $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password", "mydb") or
        die("Could not connect: " . mysqli_connect_error());
    /* this should return the correct numbers of deleted records */
    mysqli_query($link, "DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id < 10");
    printf ("Records deleted: %2d\n", mysqli_affected_rows($link));

    /* without a where clause in a delete statement, it should return 0 */
    mysqli_query($link, "DELETE FROM mytable");
    printf ("Records deleted: %2d\n", mysqli_affected_rows($link));

    /* close connection */

Object oriented style:

    /* connect to database */
    $mysql = mysqli_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password", "mydb") or
        die("Could not connect: " . mysqli_connect_error());
    /* this should return the correct numbers of deleted records */
    $mysql->query("DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id < 10");
    printf ("Records deleted: %2d\n", $mysql->affected_rows());

    /* without a where clause in a delete statement, it should return 0 */
    $mysql->query("DELETE FROM mytable");
    printf ("Records deleted: %2d\n", $mysql->affected_rows());

    /* close connection */

The above examples would produce the following output:
Records deleted: 10
 Records deleted:  0

Example 2. Update-Query

Procedural style:

    /* connect to database */
    $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password", "mydb") or
        die("Could not connect: " . mysqli_connect_error());
    /* Update records */
    mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE mytable SET used=1 WHERE id < 10");
    printf ("Updated records: %d\n", mysqli_affected_rows($link));

    /* close connection */

Object oriented style:

    /* connect to database */
    $mysql = mysqli_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password", "mydb") or
        die("Could not connect: " . mysqli_connect_error());
    /* Update records */
    $mysql->query("UPDATE mytable SET used=1 WHERE id < 10");
    printf ("Updated records: %d\n", $mysql->affected_rows($link));

    /* close connection */

The above examples would produce the following output:
Updated Records: 10

See also: mysqli_num_rows(), mysqli_info().

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